Investment Calculator - Solar Plant¶
This blog post contains a re-usable "calculator notebook" that can be used to model financial investment. The example use-case we demonstrate in this note, is a Solar Plant with the following parameters:
- 20,000 EUR are the costs of the system (INV_AMOUNT)
- 1,520 EUR are the annual returns (INV_ANNUAL_RETURN)
- 20 years expected lifetime the system (INV_LIFETIME)
The question we seek to answer is (a) Is this worth buying? and (2) How much credit should I take?
A more detailed narrative of this study is available here.
Optimize Credit Leverage¶
When leveraging investments with a credit, we have two variables at hand, that we can control:
- The credit amount, e.g. 10,000 EUR (CREDIT_AMOUNT)
- The credit duration, e.g. 10 years (CREDIT_YEARS)
We assume here a fixed interest rate of 6% (CREDIT_INTEREST) indepdendent of the two variables. We consider a credit as optimal, if it maximizes the return on the equity we needed to invest ourselves.
The model optimizes the credit by searching over a given range or credit amounts and credit durations.
As a boundary condition, we require that we don't need more than 12,000 EUR (EQUITY_LIMIT) free equity to finance the investment.
Opportunity Costs¶
Instead of buying a solar plant, we could have invested our equity into the stock market. Variables to cosider here are:
- The long-term stock interest rate 5% (EQ_INTEREST)
- The long-term inflation 2% (EQ_INFLATION)
If the value of the investment is larger than the opportunity costs, this is a signal that the investment could be worth making.
- The source notbooks for these calculators are available on GitHub.
- Launch Interactive Version on Binder:
# Implementation ...
# Run once, then comment out
# !pip install ipytest numpy pandas numpy_financial
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
import numpy_financial as npf
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize, minimize_scalar
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, HTML
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,5)'seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid')
import ipytest
import pytest
def P_EUR(num):
print(f"{num:,.0f} EUR")
def P(num, unit):
print(f"{num:,.1f} {unit}")
def p(text):
print(text, end='')
def H(s):
class CashFlow(pd.Series):
def from_constant(cls, years, value):
return cls(np.zeros(years + 1) + value)
def from_investment(cls, N, PV, PMT):
cf = np.zeros(N + 1)
cf[0] = -PV
cf[1:] += PMT
return cls(cf, name="Cash Flow")
def pad(self, years):
return CashFlow(self.copy().reindex(range(years + 1), fill_value = 0))
def shift(self, n):
return CashFlow(np.concatenate([[0]*n, self]))
def plot(self, **kwargs):
if not "kind" in kwargs:
kwargs["kind"] = "bar"
ax = super().plot(**kwargs)
plt.title("Cash Flow Plot")
plt.ylabel("Cash Flow/EUR")
plt.axhline(y=0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
return ax
def discount(self, interest_rate):
discount_factor = 1 / (1 + interest_rate) ** np.arange(len(self))
return CashFlow( self * discount_factor )
def present_value(self, interest_rate):
return npf.npv(interest_rate, self)
def neg(self):
o = self.copy()
o[ o > 0 ] = 0
return CashFlow(o)
def pos(self):
o = self.copy()
o[ o < 0 ] = 0
return CashFlow(o)
def equity_need(self):
return max(0, -self.cumsum().min())
def roi(self):
"Return on investment. Assumes that cash flow is already discounted."
# inv = -self.neg().sum() # sum all payments
inv = self.equity_need()
ret = self.pos().sum() # value we gained until end
return ret/inv
def aroi(self):
"Annualized return on investment. Assumes that cash flow is already discounted"
return self.roi() ** (1./(len(self)-1)) - 1
def __add__(self, other):
l = max(len(self), len(other)) - 1
return CashFlow( np.array(self.pad(l)) + np.array(other.pad(l)) )
# ValueSeries Implementation ...
class ValueSeries(pd.Series):
"Represents the value of an asset over time."
def from_deposit(cls, years, amount):
return cls(np.zeros(years + 1) + amount, name="Value Series")
def from_cash_flow(cls, cf : CashFlow):
return cls(np.cumsum(cf), name="Value Series")
def shift(self, n):
return ValueSeries(np.concatenate([[self.iloc[0]]*n, self]))
def pad(self, years):
return ValueSeries(self.copy().reindex(range(years+1), fill_value = self.iloc[-1]))
def with_interest(self, interest_rate):
out = ValueSeries(self.copy())
for i in range(1, len(out)):
out[i:] += out[i-1] * interest_rate
return out
def discount(self, interest_rate):
discount_factor = 1 / (1 + interest_rate) ** np.arange(len(self))
return ValueSeries(self * discount_factor)
def cash_flow(self, start_value = 0):
cf = self.diff().fillna(0).copy()
cf[0] = self[0] - start_value
return CashFlow(cf)
def roi(self):
"Return on investment."
inv = self.iloc[0] # investment = start value
ret = self.iloc[-1] # return = end value
return (ret)/inv
def aroi(self):
"Annualized return on investment. Assumes that cash flow is already discounted"
return self.roi() ** (1./(len(self)-1)) - 1
def total(self):
return self.iloc[-1]
def plot(self, **kwargs):
if not "kind" in kwargs:
kwargs["kind"] = "bar"
ax = super().plot(**kwargs)
plt.axhline(y=0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
plt.ylabel("Accumulated Value")
plt.title("Accumulated Value Plot")
return ax
def __add__(self, other):
l = max(len(self), len(other)) - 1
return ValueSeries( np.array(self.pad(l)) + np.array(other.pad(l)) )
def __radd__(self, other):
l = max(len(self), len(other)) - 1
return ValueSeries( np.array(self.pad(l)) + np.array(other.pad(l)) )
# Credit Model ...
class Credit:
amount : float
years : int
interest : float
def rate(self):
return - npf.pmt(self.interest, self.years, self.amount)
def cash_flow(self):
if self.years == 0:
return CashFlow(np.zeros(1))
cf = np.zeros(self.years + 1)
cf[0] = self.amount
cf[1:] = - self.rate()
return CashFlow(cf)
def costs(self):
return self.rate() * self.years
class DObject:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def optimize_xy(f_objective, x_range : np.array , y_range: np.array):
Find optimal values on x-y grid:
f_objective : objective function that we want to maximize
x_range : range of x-values to search
y_range : range of y-values to serach
# Optimization
VAL = np.array([[ _obj(x, y) for y in y_range ] for x in x_range])
xi_best, yi_best = np.unravel_index(VAL.argmax(), VAL.shape)
# Helper
x_best = x_range[xi_best]
y_best = y_range[yi_best]
o_best = VAL[xi_best, yi_best]
x_len = len(x_range)
y_len = len(y_range)
x_lim = (x_range[0], x_range[-1])
y_lim = (y_range[0], y_range[-1])
# Return locals wrapped in as object
return DObject(**{ k:v for k,v in locals().items() if not k.startswith("_") })
# Tests...
def test_from_constant():
cf = CashFlow.from_constant(3, 1000)
assert (cf == [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]).all()
def test_pad():
cf = CashFlow([1000, 1000, 1000])
cf_padded = cf.pad(4)
assert (cf_padded == [1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 0]).all()
def test_shift():
cf = CashFlow([1000, 1000, 1000])
cf_shifted = cf.shift(2)
assert (cf_shifted == [0, 0, 1000, 1000, 1000]).all()
def test_discount():
cf = CashFlow([1000, 1000, 1000])
discounted =
assert discounted[0] == pytest.approx(1000, 0.01)
assert discounted[1] == pytest.approx(909.09, 0.01)
assert discounted[2] == pytest.approx(826.45, 0.01)
def test_neg():
cf = CashFlow([-1000, -500, -500])
cf_neg = cf.neg()
assert (cf_neg == [-1000, -500, -500]).all()
def test_pos():
cf = CashFlow([-1000, 500, 500])
cf_pos = cf.pos()
assert (cf_pos == [0, 500, 500]).all()
def test_equity_need():
cf = CashFlow([-1000, -500, -500])
eq_need = cf.equity_need()
assert eq_need == 2000
def test_CashFlow():
CF = CashFlow.from_investment(30, 20000, 1250)
assert == CF.present_value(0.05)
assert == CF.sum()
assert CF.present_value(0) == CF.sum()
def test_roi():
cf = CashFlow([-100, 100, 100, 100])
assert np.isclose(cf.roi(), 3, atol=1e-5)
def test_aroi():
cf = CashFlow([-100, 100, 100, 100])
assert np.isclose(cf.aroi(), 3 ** (1/3) - 1, atol=1e-5)
def test_reverse():
# Discounting reverses the effect
AV = ValueSeries.from_deposit(30, 20000).with_interest(0.05).discount(0.05)
assert ((AV - ValueSeries.from_deposit(30, 20000)).abs() < 1e-6).all()
def test_cc():
"We can compute the total sum of credit cash flow with credit_costs"
cf = Credit(20000, 10, 0.05).cash_flow()
assert cf.neg().sum() == -Credit(20000, 10, 0.05).costs()
def test_discounted_cc():
"Summing the discounted cash-flow gives close to zero value"
cf = Credit(20000, 10, 0.05).cash_flow().discount(0.05)
assert cf.sum() == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-6)
............. [100%] 13 passed in 0.07s
# Input Parameters
INV_COST = 20_000
CREDIT_AMOUNT_RANGE = np.linspace(1_000, INV_COST * 1.1 ,101)
CREDIT_DURATION_RANGE = np.arange(0, 12+1)
# Model & Presentation ...
# Model
def _obj(ca, cd):
credit = Credit(ca, cd, CREDIT_INTEREST)
c_cf = credit.cash_flow().discount(EQ_INFLATION)
cf = INV_CF + c_cf
if cf.equity_need() > EQUITY_LIMIT:
return 0
return cf.aroi()
# A : Investment
credit = Credit(o.x_best, o.y_best, CREDIT_INTEREST)
A_CF = INV_CF + credit.cash_flow().discount(EQ_INFLATION)
equity = A_CF.equity_need()
years = max(INV_LIFETIME, credit.years)
A_EQ = ValueSeries.from_deposit(years, equity)
A_V = A_EQ + ValueSeries.from_cash_flow(A_CF)
# B : Opportunity Costs
B_EQ = ValueSeries.from_deposit(years, equity)
B_CF = ValueSeries.from_deposit(INV_LIFETIME, equity).with_interest(EQ_INTEREST).discount(EQ_INFLATION).cash_flow(start_value=equity)
B_V = B_EQ + ValueSeries.from_cash_flow(B_CF)
# Presentation
width = 20
print(f"""# Investment Valuation
## Investment with Optimal Credit Leverage
total equity needed : {equity:>{width},.0f} EUR
total returns : {A_CF.pos().sum():>{width},.0f} EUR
return on investment : {A_CF.roi():>{width}.3f} x over {years} years
{A_CF.aroi() * 100:>{width}.3f} % p.a.
credit amount : {credit.amount:>{width},.0f} EUR
credit duration : {credit.years:>{width}} years
credit interest : {CREDIT_INTEREST*100:>{width}.1f} % p.a.
credit costs : {credit.costs():>{width},.0f} EUR
## Opportunity Costs
equity invested : {equity:>{width},.0f} EUR
total returns : {>{width},.0f} EUR
return on investment : {B_V.roi():>{width}.3f} x over {years} years
{B_V.aroi() * 100:>{width}.3f} % p.a.
im = plt.imshow(np.clip(o.VAL, 0, np.inf).T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='viridis')
plt.colorbar(im, label='Annualized ROI')
x_ticks_num = 10
x_ticks = np.linspace(0, o.x_len-1, x_ticks_num).astype(int)
x_tick_labels = [ f"{(o.x_lim[0] + (x/o.x_len) * (o.x_lim[1]-o.x_lim[0])) // 1000 :.0f}k" for x in x_ticks ]
plt.xticks(x_ticks, labels=x_tick_labels)
plt.xlabel("Credit Amount (EUR)")
plt.ylabel("Credit Duration (years)")
plt.scatter(o.xi_best, o.yi_best, c='red', marker='x')
plt.text(o.xi_best, o.yi_best, f' {o.o_best:.3f}', color='red', ha='left', va='center')
plt.title("ROI (color) as a function of Credit Amount (x) and Credit Duration (y)");
# Value Series
idx = pd.Series(np.arange(years + 1),name="year")
"A Investment Value" : A_V,
"B Opportunity Value (Stock Investment)" : B_V,
}, index = idx), color=["cornflowerblue", "limegreen"])
plt.axhline(y=0, color="black")
plt.title("Value Series")
plt.ylabel("Investment Value (EUR)")
# Cash Flow
"A Investment Cash Flow": A_CF,
"B Opportunity Cash Flow (Stock Investment)": B_CF
}, index = idx), color=["cornflowerblue", "limegreen"])
plt.axhline(y=0, color="black")
plt.title("Cash Flow")
plt.ylabel("Investment Return (EUR)")
# Investment Valuation ## Investment with Optimal Credit Leverage total equity needed : 5,045 EUR total returns : 12,331 EUR return on investment : 2.444 x over 20 years 4.570 % p.a. credit amount : 16,120 EUR credit duration : 12 years credit interest : 5.0 % p.a. credit costs : 21,825 EUR ## Opportunity Costs equity invested : 5,045 EUR total returns : 9,008 EUR return on investment : 1.786 x over 20 years 2.941 % p.a.
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title: Investment Calculator
date: 2023-08-13
tags: inv, post
url: /ic
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